Website statement marks another low for Boko Haram

Website statement marks another low for Boko Haram

Despite the arrest and alleged unlawful execution of its former leader, Muhammed Yusuf early in the year, the Boko Haram Islamic sect has grown bolder, laying claims to
most bloody attacks in the Northern part of the country. The latest one
were the outrages in Jos and Maiduguri that claimed more than 80 lives.

Though its former
leader is dead, the recent insurgence has revealed that the group has
deeper roots than what is presently known. The group would later claim
the bombs in Jos by a novel posting on a website, which further cement
links between its activities and the global jihadist movement.

NEXT investigation
has also established that the website on which it announced its
involvement in the Jos attack has a link to one Aliyu Dahiru, who
opened the website with an address at 1234 Dankura Street, Gandun
Albasa, Off Zoo Road Kano, NA 234.

The group, on
(, claims its name is Jama’atu
Ahlus-Sunnah Lidda’Awati Wal Jihad and that Boko Haram is a mere tag
given to it by the people.

The website’s
functionalities however reveals that it might have been purposely set
up to convey the statements, as this is the first time the group would
be using such medium to claim responsibility of an attack. Basic
information like “about us”, “contact us”, were not accessible
on it and some links were also not opening, but only bearing a message
“This site is still under maintenance,” when clicked.

Web of terror

Mr Dahiru, who also
owns two other domains, paid for its launch in United State dollars and
his e-mail also has an operating link with three other websites, while
the operating e-mail is associated with about three other domains.

It is hosted on a dedicated server of Ecommerce, Inc; although the servers is inaccessible to the public by late Tuesday.

A visit to the Kano
address on Wednesday revealed that the numbering might not be totally
correct. The first building on Dankura Adamu street, owned by the same
Mr Adamu, does not bear a number. It is an ash coloured one-storey
large building that is used for residential purposes. There were many
people coming in and going out of the building Wednesday afternoon. One
of them confirmed that the property belongs to Mr Adamu, a wealthy
politician in Kano. None of the residents spoke to have any knowledge
of Aliyu Dahiru.

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