Accused blamed theft on mother’s Sickness

Accused blamed theft on mother’s Sickness

A 28-year-old labourer yesterday blamed his mother s illness for stealing items from one Angbo Stephen of Nyanya Market.

The accused, Isaac Ikegimba of no fixed address and two others now at large was said to have committed the offence on October 7, 2010.

Prosecutor Jerry Tangshak had earlier told the court that on October 7, the com­plainant, one Angbo reported to the police that the accused and two others now at large broke into his shop at Boundary road Nyanya, and made away with some valu­able items.

“The accused stole four laptops valued at N320, 000, a twenty one inch sharp televi­sion valued N10, 000, a Nokia handset val­ued at N16, 000, four china camera handsets valued at N30.000, and handset accessories valued N27.000. The twenty one inch sharp television and one laptop were recovered from him during police investigations,” the prosecutor said.

The accused pleaded guilty when the charges were read to him and begged for leniency, adding that he stole the items to take care of his sick mother and promised not to do it again.

The prosecutor urged the court to try the accused summarily under section 157 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Magistrate Ahmed B. Ndajiwo sentenced him to ninety days imprisonment on each count charge without option of fine.

He also ruled that the convict should pay N398.000 as compensation to the complain­ant and in default spend another one month in prison.

DAILY TRUST, Tuesday, 12th October, 2010

Page: 49

By Romoke W. Ahmad

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