Archive for confabeestory

A Man used his hands and killed his Daughter

A Man used his hands and killed his Daughter

A 65-year-old man, Malam Abba Jamji, has appeared before a Gombe Magistrate’s Court for allegedly killing his two-year-old daughter, Hauwa, by suffocating her.

The prosecution alleged that Jamji, a resident of Malam-madu village in Kwami Local Government Area of Gombe State, put the girl in a sack, tied it and dumped her in a nearby bush on September 12, 2010.

The court heard that Hauwa was the product of an illicit affair between Jamji and his wife’s younger sister. When the charge of culpable homicide, punishable under Section 221 of the Penal Code, was read to the accused, he told the magistrate that he understood the alleged offence (NAN)

Daily Trust Thursday, October 14, 2010

Page 10

Abortion, Is it by force?

Abortion, Is it by force?

A nurse, arrested by the Lagos State Police command for allegedly aborting a foetus, said she did it on a humanitarian ground.

Police was told how Bola Oyekoge took one Serifat to an auxiliary nurse, Bukky Oduntan, who allegedly drugged a soft drink and gave it to her.

After Serifat slept off, the nurse gave her an injection, which allegedly aborted her six-month pregnancy.

Bola and her husband were said to have been married for two years without child. But when she discovered through her husband’s friend that he had put Serifat, 18, in a family way, she vowed to terminate the pregnancy.

It was on the strength of the earlier threat that she allegedly lured Serifat to the nurse’s house, where the illegal act was interrogated by detectives from the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID), Panti, Yaba, Lagos, said Bola lied to her that it was her reason for trying to help her by terminating the pregnancy.

The nurse said: “Bola told me Serifat was her younger sister, impregnated by her husband I promised to terminate the pregnancy. We car­ried out the abortion during the Ramadan period And I went to Agege to celebrate with member of my family when Bola called me on phone about the abortion. I refused to do it because of the significance of that period.”

According to her, she was paid N2, 500, to perform the abortion. “You can see, I would have charged more than that, if I did it to make money. I did it because of the love I have for her,” she insisted.

Meanwhile, the nurse contradicted herself when she said Serifat complained of stomach ache before she administered a drug to her, which resulted in bleeding, and then, the abor­tion.

Serifat narrated how Bola accused her of try­ing to put her and Isiaka asunder. She said Isiaka had promised to marry her, unknown to her that Bola was against the plan.

She narrated how Bola asked her to follow her to see a nurse for a medical check-up, which resulted in the abortion of the foetus.

Prior to the abortion, she said Bola had tried to know if Isiaka was responsible for the preg­nancy but she lied to her that it was another man that was responsible.

“I told her lies in order to save my life. But when I woke up, I started feeling pains and it was not ordinary. I quickly left the place but Bola and the nurse followed me to my father’s house, where the foetus finally dropped.”

Isiaka, has, however exonerated himself from the abortion drama. He said: “I want them to face murder charge. I did not tell them to abort the child.”

However, the command’s spokesman, Mr. Frank Mba, a Superintendent, said the police were still investigating the matter. According to him, preliminary investigation revealed that the abortionist is a quack nurse




My Child will be my sibling

Why I allowed dad to impregnate me -16-year-old girl

16-year-old girl, who was allegedly impregnated by her father, has narrated how the randy man administered oath of secrecy on her before he deflowered her.

She also narrated how the suspect, Sunday Olanrele, used payment of her school fees as a bait to turn her to a sex object.

She said: “I thought he was a good father. He gave me kolanut to eat and said I would die, if I revealed the secret. So, he stalled kissing, and caressing me and later deflowered me. When blood started gushing out from my private part, he used pumpers to cover it. I did not tell any­one because of fear.”

The victim, Bola (not real name) disclosed how her mother told her to go and bring her school fees from her estranged husband, before he took advantage of it to have canal knowledge of her.

When I went there, my daddy started doing it again. He kept promising to give me the school fees. I ended up staying with him for many months and he was making love to me severally.”

The last straw that broke the camel’s back was when, she spent seven days with her father five months ago.

“He slept with me all through and when I got home, I wanted to tell my mother but 1 was scared. So, I kept quiet,” she broke down in tears.

The embattled girl also disclosed how her parents were estranged while her mother re-married, attributing it to her present ordeal.

According to her, their mother did not visit them for five years, while she (victim) was denied the Opportunity of visiting her.

It was when she wanted to commit suicide by drinking battery fluid that one of her aunties took her and her younger brother to Ikorodu, Lagos State. It was also from Ikorodu that she went to her father’s house.

“While I was in my father’s house, he brought out a calabash and kolanut and told me to swear an oath that I would not divulge what he was about to do with me.”

She explained that when her monthly men­strual circle ceased, she did not bother to dis­close it to anybody. But her mother was said to have got information about the pregnancy and took her to a pastor, where she spilled the beans.

The pastor was said to have given her assur­ance that she would not die, if she disclosed what transpired between her and her father.

“I told him that my father was responsible for the pregnancy,” she said.

The victim’s mother (names withheld) told Daily Sun she suspected a foulplay immediately her daughter came back from her father’s house.

“I started perceiving offensive odour and asked her if she visited someone else, apart from her father and she said no. I called the father on phone and inquired the time she left his house and he told me. I reasoned that if she had gone to another person’s house, she wouldn’t have got home the time she did. From there, I knew something was wrong,” she said, fuming.

The woman disclosed that she later brought a magazine and showed her a story of where a father impregnated his daughter.

“She was devastated after reading the story. That was when I knew that the father had done something abominable.”

Few weeks later, the girl started showing pregnancy symptoms. “I took her to the hospi­tal for pregnancy test and it indicated that she was four months pregnant. I requested to know who was responsible and she refused to tell me,” she said.

That was when she took her to the pastor where she opened up. The angry mother said she was now faced with the shame associated with the stigma on the family.

“I’ m confused, I am ashamed of the pregnancy is over five months now. So, abortion is out of it. I’m in a dilemma now. I can’t procure abortion of five months old foe-tus,” she lamented.

The suspect, who admitted committing the crime, said he didn’t know what came over him that made him to deflower his daughter.

“I think, it is the devil’s plan to destroy me. I know it is an abominable act. I’m sorry, I regret my action. Nigeria police and my estranged wife should forgive me,” he said.

Daily sun Thursday, October 14, 2010

Page 23

By Christopher oji

Accused blamed theft on mother’s Sickness

Accused blamed theft on mother’s Sickness

A 28-year-old labourer yesterday blamed his mother s illness for stealing items from one Angbo Stephen of Nyanya Market.

The accused, Isaac Ikegimba of no fixed address and two others now at large was said to have committed the offence on October 7, 2010.

Prosecutor Jerry Tangshak had earlier told the court that on October 7, the com­plainant, one Angbo reported to the police that the accused and two others now at large broke into his shop at Boundary road Nyanya, and made away with some valu­able items.

“The accused stole four laptops valued at N320, 000, a twenty one inch sharp televi­sion valued N10, 000, a Nokia handset val­ued at N16, 000, four china camera handsets valued at N30.000, and handset accessories valued N27.000. The twenty one inch sharp television and one laptop were recovered from him during police investigations,” the prosecutor said.

The accused pleaded guilty when the charges were read to him and begged for leniency, adding that he stole the items to take care of his sick mother and promised not to do it again.

The prosecutor urged the court to try the accused summarily under section 157 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Magistrate Ahmed B. Ndajiwo sentenced him to ninety days imprisonment on each count charge without option of fine.

He also ruled that the convict should pay N398.000 as compensation to the complain­ant and in default spend another one month in prison.

DAILY TRUST, Tuesday, 12th October, 2010

Page: 49

By Romoke W. Ahmad

A 26 years old Man Carnal Knowledge a Child he can Father

A 26 years old Man Carnal Knowledge a child he can father

A 26-year-old man, Sunday Nwale, of Gwagwalada Area Council is cooling off in police cell for allegedly raping his neighbour’s four-year-old daughter.

The Victim’s mother, Mrs. Victoria told our reporter that the incident happened last Saturday when she left her four-year-old daughter and her three other children at home to attend the burial ceremony of one of her associa­tion members.

“Last week, my daughter com­plained of pains in her private part but I did not envisage that she could have been raped so I used warm water to suppress it. Even when my neighbours were spreading rumours that the sus­pect had raped my daughter, I did not believe them until my daugh­ter confessed to me.”

She said when she came back from the burial in the evening; one of her neighbours called her and asked whether her daughter had informed her that she was raped by her neighbour, Sunday, adding that she was devastated when her daughter confirmed that she was raped by the suspect.

“My daughter told me that the suspect removed her trouser in his room on Sunday after I left the house and put her on the chair and defiled her. I was devastated because I took him like my brother and we have been living together for seven years now. Any time I cook, I always make sure he eats from it so I wondered why he could turn around to hurt my daugh­ter” she said.

She said she had reported the matter to police at Gwagwalada and the suspect was arrested with a promise that the matter will be investigated, Meanwhile, the suspect confirmed to our reporter at them police station that he committed the crime but declined further comments.

When contacted, the Gwagwalada Police Area Commander, Mr. Abutu Yaro, confirmed the incident and promised that the suspect will be charged to court as soon as investigations are com­pleted.

He said the victim would be taken to the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital for HIV/AIDS test.

DAILY TRUST, Tuesday, 12th October, 2010

Page: 49

By Abubakar Sadiq Isah

Death Caught up with a suspected cable vandal

Death Caught up with a suspected cable vandal

AN unidentified middle-aged man who attempted to vandalize a Power Holding Com­pany of Nigeria cable at Ijora-Cause Way area in Lagos was yesterday found dead near an electric­ity pole with some instruments.

Our correspondent gathered that some parts of the victims body were severely burnt, indicat­ing that the cable was connected to high tension wire at the time of the incident.

Besides, part of the long cable attached to a pole was also burnt. Engr. Francis Ibe, Business Manager, Ijora District, bemoaned the develop­ment, saying vandalisation of PHCN property around the area had been a recurring issue.

He said over 100 meters of 250mm cables which served various communities around the Ijora area had been cut away by vandals.

The PHCN boss said various cables at dif­ferent stages had been discovered to have been taken away by vandals, adding that there was need for urgent intervention by government to rescue Ijora district from total black out.

DAILY TRUST, Tuesday, 12th October, 2010

From Mohammed Shosanya, Lagos

Page: 6

A Child killed another Child in the Class

A Child killed another Child in the Class

THE 10-year-old pupil of All Saints Primary School, Oke-Ijebu in Ondo State, Endurance Ikimi, who shot and killed her classmate, Ismalia Opeyemi, with a double barrel gun Wednesday has been kept in police protective custody.

Speaking with Daily Trust in Akure yesterday, Mr. Adeniran

Aremu, the Public Relations Officer in Ondo State, said there was need to keep the girl in their custody to ensure safety.

Ikimi was picked by police shortly after the incident. Another pupil, Dare Abiodun, who was hit by bullet was said to have been taken to the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife.

Aremu who said the age of Ikimi was between 10 and 13, said she would remain in police protective custody pending when the police complete preliminary investigation, stressing that the command had started investigation on who hid the guns in the school.

Our correspondent who visited the school observed that the class­room and the teachers’ offices were still shut as at yesterday.

Meanwhile, Governor Olusegun Mimiko, fought back tears as he visited the school yesterday, assur­ing that such an incident which he blamed on the porous nature of most of the schools, would not hap­pen again. He also assured that his government would definitely build schools with the right atmosphere for studies and security.

Mimiko, in commiserating with the teachers and family of the pupil as well as the Anglican Church Community, declared that the incident underscored the decision of his government to build mega primary schools across the State, adding that government was spending N500 million on massive renovation and fencing of all dilapidated primary school buildings across the state.

DAILY Trust Friday, October 8, 2010

Page 6

From Adewale Giwa, Akure

3 nabbed after exhuming deceased relative’s copse for sale

3 nabbed after exhuming deceased relative’s copse for sale

It was the end of the road for three friends who exhumed the skull of the uncle to one of them for money ritual in Adamai vil­lage, Ipokia Local Government Area of Ogun State, as they are now in the police net.

The corpse was that of one Danso Dinde, who died in a mysterious manner and was buried about three years ago.

Dinde’s remains were buried in front of his family house in Adamai village. The     nephew of the deceased, Jimoh Adinde who was caught along with others, by the Ogun State Police confessed to have, collaborated with others to carry out the criminal act.

Adinde, a father of two the revealed that the trio had carried out the heinous act about 1.00 am and had intended to dispose the skull at the price of 30,000.   However, nemesis caught up with the successful digging and removal of the skull from the grave, they forgot a cutlass which they had used by the grave side.

The curiousity of a son of the deceased who won­dered why his late father’s grave suddenly became untidy led to the discovery of a cutlass which was allegedly traced to Jimoh Jimoh, 25, said he regretted his action which had already been condemned by the larger family and lamented that he would had continued as a commercial motorcyclist in Ajah area of Lagos State but for bad influence and companionship.

His words: “We were friends. The skull was that of my father’s elder brother who died and was buried in front of our family house about three years ago.

We went to dig the grave at 1.00am on Saturday and forgot the cutlass inside it. The cutlass was later traced to us.

“We intended selling the head for N30, 000. My brother, Taye, told other members of the family that I was the owner of the cutlass after which I and the other two were arrested by the police. A fragment of the skull was retrieved from us,” Adende regretted.

DAILY SUN Friday, October 8, 2010

Page 12


DPO killed a lady right inside his Office

DPO killed a lady right inside his Office

The Divisional Police Officer of a police, station in Aba, Abia State (names with­held), has allegedly raped a lady to death inside his office.

The lady whose name was given as Princess Zainab Chinasa Uwakwe, and said to be very close to a serving senior police officer from Abia State, was said to have approached the DPO on telephone over a matter her rela­tion had at a police station. But the DPO invited her over for a sup­posed discussion on the matter.

In honouring the invitation, Daily Sun learnt that Princess, who hailed from Amakpor Igbere in Bende Local Government of the state, went to the police station in company with a young man, Nkem Igbokwe, who waited out­side while the lady went in to see her supposed host.

A reliable source hinted that as soon as the lady who was said to be an aspirant under the Progressive People’s Alliance (PPA) for Aba North State constituency entered the DPD’s office, she was offered suya and a bottle of drink bought for her by the police officer.

The police officer was alleged to have locked the door behind them, preventing his subordinates and visitors from having access to the office.

But the cat was let out of the bag when, after the sex, the lady started gasping for breath while blood gushed from her private part. It was reported that immedi­ately that happened the DPO called in a patrol team led by one inspector to rush her to the hospi­tal. On getting to the hospital, according to the report, the victim, who the police fictitiously gave her name as Princess Nnenne Udah to the hospital authorities, gave up the ghost.

It was gathered that while the young man who accompanied the lady to the police station was still waiting outside, the police patrol team, carried the lady out of the DPO’s office through the back gate to New Era Hospital.

Investigations, which suggest the DPO might have drugged either the suya or the drink he gave the deceased to make her dose off in order to have illicit affairs with her emerged when it was gathered the lady had severally rebuffed overtures of the police officer.

This indication was given by the younger sister of the deceased, Nkechi, who told Daily- Sun that “my sister was raped; her neck and lips were swollen; it was like she was battling with the DPO inside his office. She was dis­charging foam from her mouth and blood was gushing from her private part. In fact, she was brought to the hospital without her bra and underwear,” she said amidst sobs.

It was the talk in the police sta­tion that the officer might have taken burantashi, a local substance that enhances and energizes male organs, before raping his victim.

When Daily Sun visited the police station, some officers were seen in groups discussing the incident One of them who spoke under the cover of anonymity said, “the DPO has been a source of embarrassment to us. He has been sexually harassing our female officers here and nobody questions him because he boasts he is well connected within the state and outside.”

Efforts made to reach the DPO who was said to be unruffled over the incident as he was in office yesterday failed as he neither picked calls made to his cell phone nor replied text messages.

When contacted the Area Commander, Nigeria Police, Aha Area Command Mr. Ebere Onyeagoro said he had heard about the incident, but was yet to have be briefed officially.

He, however, said the cause of the lady’s death could only be determined through autopsy, which, he said the police were yet to carry out.

Some people who spoke to were Daily Sun over the incident said it was unfortunate that while residents of Aba were yet to come out of the rape orgies their women experienced in the hands of kidnappers, a police officer of the standing of a DPO would add to the list. They called for probe.

DAILY SUN Friday, October 8, 2010

Page 9




AN Abuja Magistrate Court yesterday sentenced two young men to 28 days impris­onment for stealing 18 pieces of iron rods belonging to Light House Estate, Lugbe, Abuja.

Chekwube Okeke of Lugbe Zone 6, Abuja, and Onyeka Onyie of Gosa village, Abuja, were caught red-handed and brought to the Lugbe Police Division for jointly commit­ting the offence.

Police prosecutor, Yilkudi Dungji, a constable, informed the court that on September 30, one Mr. Ovrivie Efem of Light House Estate appre­hended the two accused per­sons red-handed in posses­sion of the stolen iron rods.

The accused persons stole 18 pieces of iron rods, valued at N330,000, and were caught red-handed, offences punish­able under Sections 79 and 288 of the Penal Code” the prosecutor said.

They pleaded guilty to the two-count charge and begged the court for leniency, prom­ising not to steal henceforth.

Based on the guilty pleas, the prosecutor asked the court to try them summar­ily under Section 156 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Magistrate Idayat Akanni sentenced each of them to 14 days imprisonment on the charge of joint act or to pay N1, 000 as fine and another 14 days on the second charge of theft or to pay N1, 000 as fine.

She also ruled that the two jail terms should run concur­rently.

Daily Trust Friday October 8th 2010

Page 58

By Usman A. Bello & Ogechi Ohalee