Death Caught up with a suspected cable vandal

Death Caught up with a suspected cable vandal

AN unidentified middle-aged man who attempted to vandalize a Power Holding Com­pany of Nigeria cable at Ijora-Cause Way area in Lagos was yesterday found dead near an electric­ity pole with some instruments.

Our correspondent gathered that some parts of the victims body were severely burnt, indicat­ing that the cable was connected to high tension wire at the time of the incident.

Besides, part of the long cable attached to a pole was also burnt. Engr. Francis Ibe, Business Manager, Ijora District, bemoaned the develop­ment, saying vandalisation of PHCN property around the area had been a recurring issue.

He said over 100 meters of 250mm cables which served various communities around the Ijora area had been cut away by vandals.

The PHCN boss said various cables at dif­ferent stages had been discovered to have been taken away by vandals, adding that there was need for urgent intervention by government to rescue Ijora district from total black out.

DAILY TRUST, Tuesday, 12th October, 2010

From Mohammed Shosanya, Lagos

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