Here comes the excitement

Here comes the excitement

Last week, Nigerian
Idol entered the final stage – the Top Thirteen. The thirteen finalists
came on stage to deliver songs from the disco era. Aided by funky
costumes, they gave very energetic performances. There was a lot of
sexy dance moves especially from the girls. But the very good news was
that the contestants finally owned the stage. Of course now, they are
being backed by a full-on band including back-up singers and not just a
lone keyboardist.

The excitement on
the show increased a hundred percent as the contestants thoroughly
enjoyed themselves prancing around the stage. Actress and dancer, Zoe
managed a full split that almost shook the stage as the finale to her
rendition of ‘It’s Raining Men’ by Geri Halliwell (originally sung by
The Weather Girls). Alex, who sang ‘Kung-Fu Fighting’, did the song
justice by adding some martial moves in the appropriate parts of the
song. His fellow cool cat, Ola, also tried to add some fire to his
performance but although he was fun to watch, he didn’t quite actually
get there.

The one drab
performance came from George who has increasingly shown himself a good
ballad singer; but unfortunately, it would seem that up-tempo songs are
not his thing. Though his vocals were as good as ever on the Kool and
the Gang hit song ‘Celebration’, his performance was rather stiff and
he gave a rather dorky finish; he tried to punch the floor.

Toni, another good
balladeer and song interpreter, also had problems with her disco
choreography. For some ill-conceived reason, she kept grabbing the hem
of her dress which unfortunately was a bit too close to her crotch.
There are only two ways to explain the move, either it was based on
modesty as a result of the short hemline or that was just the best way
she knew how to move to Earth Wind and Fire’s ‘September’.

Still poor performance or not, it usually all boils down to votes. Come Thursday and it was Nina and Ola that got the boot.

We are praying for livelier roof-raising episodes. And though we
know disco cannot be sung on each episode of the show, we are still
keeping our fingers crossed.

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