I woke up this morning with a feeling that not much has changed in the country as far as the electioneering season is concerned. And, after checking out some of the dailies, my fears were given some credence. The story line appears not to have been altered much. We still have the deadly encounters – some of which have been extremely brutal – and the desperate scrambling for affiliations. Everyone who is anyone in the election drama is struggling to appear in the good books of everyone who is anyone in the hierarchy of things. And, as usual, the rest of us – the electorates, supposedly the most important casts in the scheme of things – have been given our traditional roles. A less than significant role, and yet required one – waka pass!

In some other parts of the world, the election season is the best for the people – that is the electorates. Everyone who is anyone who intends to amount to anything as far as government is concerned understands that he must first, next, and last appeal to the people. It gets better as incumbents who are seeking re-election drop a few white elephant and vain projects – those are available everywhere – an face that which will touch the lives of the people the most. In America, the much publicised health-care reform was signed into law (March 23, 2010): It was a historic event and has been more responsible for energizing Republicans and conservatives for November.

It is obvious that in these other societies, where the electorates are seen to be everything, every effort of those vying for various thrones, is geared towards appeasing the people. So, their roles are the glorified and exclusives of only the biggest stars in any “movie industry.” District attorneys are desperate to increase convictions, Police chiefs are struggling to reduce crime rate. Mayors are scrambling to make more money available for community projects. Governors are outdoing each other for the award of “state of the year” – if there is such is such an award. Legislature is reducing personal expenditure and approving supplementary budgets. Presidents are formulating health and other policies to better the lives of the people for legislature to pass in a hurry. This is how it works in those societies where the voters are the star actors. Alas, the same cannot be said for my locale.

In my locale, things take on a somewhat different approach. When elections draw near, councillors put up recreation centres with cable TV to occupy the people while more important things transpire without their knowledge. Local government chairmen paint bus garages and procure electronics for the chairmen. State governors celebrate their days in office in what seems like an adaption of the popular TV series “Days of our lives.” Legislatures increase their personal expenses account and make the figures the most well-kept secret in the country. Presidents increase their fleet and keep the country guessing on their candidacy, while making no headway in alleviating the people’s power problems. All of these and the unifying factor of scrambling to affiliate with the right grouping make up the many intrigues that are the electioneering drama in my vicinity.

In Lagos, resident doctors have been on strike for some weeks, and if reports are anything to go by, there is no respite for the many sick and dying in the Centre of Excellence in view. It appears that what the governor feels of the incident can be likened to the irritation felt over an annoying fly that just won’t realise that it is not wanted. And, of course, the obvious solution to getting rid of the problem would be hitting it with a mallet, reminiscent of a judge’s gavel. It therefore comes as something of a surprise that our able governor can work on landscaping Lagos, demolishing houses to make room for wider roads, refurbish school buildings and a host of other laudable achievements, but cannot provide adequate and quality healthcare for the citizenry when they require it.

It appears once more that we – the electorates – have assumed our traditional roles in the scheme of things. We are saddled with the responsibility of playing waka pass in this drama. And, in case the reality has not dawned on you, a waka pass role implies that at the end of the day, you are at the bottom as far as the dividends of the project are concerned. Even more disturbing, just in case you were wondering if things could get worse – we tend to play our roles just perfectly.

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